The Autumn Equinox was yesterday, September 22nd.
I love the changing of the seasons. They give me time to reflect on the season that has just ended and think about what I want for the season ahead.
So, let’s think about all of the successes of the summer. What went right for you over the summer? What are you happy about?
I love thinking about what went right. It gives me a sense of accomplishment. A sense of pride for all that I did. It helps me to feel good about myself.
This summer, I did a lot. I gave my house a face lift and put it on the market to sell last week. It was so much work! But, I feel good about all of the work I was able to do myself. I also feel good that whoever buys it will have a lovely place to move right into. I made some other big life changing decisions also, and am proud of myself for staying strong and moving forward authentically. I had a lot of fun adventures with my son before he started school. I maintained my business and made some big steps forward. Wow. It feels good to focus on what went right.
How about you? What went right for you over the summer?
Now, I can set some intentions for all that I want to accomplish for the fall. I like setting intentions because it gives me something to look forward to. Something to focus on so that I don’t languish. Also, when I list my intentions out, either in my mind or on paper, I am more likely to follow through on them.
This fall I want to consciously rest and really take care of myself. I’m a little tired after all the work I did over the summer. I want to help more women who have experienced trauma due to the pandemic or for other reasons. I want to be more involved in my son’s school. I want to cultivate a feeling of light and peace in my home. I want to give back to my community by volunteering or donating to locally. I want to consciously express my gratitude to those who positively impact my life. And just like that, I’ve started in on my intentions for the fall…
How about you? What are your intentions as we move into fall?
Set your own intentions. Then take your time and meditate or practice some self-care like taking a nice bath. Maybe there is a ritual that you like to do to welcome in the new season. Allow yourself to practice your own special ritual. And let your intentions sink in.
The autumn is a beautiful time to connect with the earth, and ground yourself, as you prepare for the darkness that comes as we move towards winter. It is a lovely time to be grateful for all we have, as we simultaneously welcome all that is changing around us.
May you have a fruitful autumn.
May you have peace within,