About Me

Hi, I’m Julia
I help women cope with the trauma of life by showing you techniques to release the stress & anxiety in your body and mind.
I experienced extreme sadness, loneliness, stress and anxiety due to trauma I went through as a child and young woman, as well as during the COVID pandemic. I, then, took some time to check-in with myself. I knew that I had what I needed inside of me to get to a better place. So, I went back to my training as an E-500hr RYT yoga instructor, certified yoga for trauma teacher, and certified reiki practitioner. I was able to cope with what I was feeling by moving, breathing, meditating, and using deep relaxation.
I believe that I can help bring you to a more peaceful place within using these same techniques that helped me. I will give you tangible tools that you can use when you feel like life is overwhelming.
I truly believe that helping other women during this time is the most important work that I’ve ever done in my life.
Words can’t express how good I feel on so many levels after one of her classes…
Why women?
Women are more negatively impacted mentally by the pandemic due to the extra burden they take on due to gender disparities. Women may be dealing with being pregnant, having children, parenting while remotely working, loss of support and social connections due to isolation, and an increase in intimate partner violence. These impacts are felt world-wide by women of varying classes and income levels.*
I feel that we must take care of the women that are taking care of the world.
*Almeida, M., Shrestha, A., Stojanac, D. et al. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women’s mental health. Arch Womens Ment Health (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00737-020-01092-2.

What I Offer

Weekly Classes
Group classes in Peace Shala™ slow flow yoga, restorative yoga, prenatal yoga, and meditation. Join me to add a bit of calm to your day.

Private Classes
One-on-one sessions with a focus on using trauma informed yoga tools to help you release the stress you are holding onto. A more personally tailored guided experience.

Peace Shala™
COMING SOON! The Peace Shala™ program is an 8-week course that you can take online to help you find peace within. It is specifically for women dealing with TRAUMA, stress, and anxiety during the pandemic and will give you tangible tools that you can use NOW. If you’d like more support before the program officially launches, please join my COVID Pandemic Trauma Relief for Women facebook group.
Work With Me
Allow me to guide you through self-care practices that help alleviate your trauma, stress, and anxiety.