
“This is your reminder to breathe. To let go of the stress and worry that feels so abundant. To see the good, to find joy in the simplest moments. To know that it will be okay. Breathe.”
– Rachel Marie Martin

The words above are nice. But, how do you begin? Yes, by breathing. But, also by giving yourself a little yoga break.

I talk A LOT about how yoga is beneficial for relieving stress, and I offer weekly yoga and meditation sessions in my COVID Pandemic Trauma Relief for Women facebook group, but it has been a while since I offered some yoga to my newsletter subscribers.

Here are some gentle restorative yoga postures that you can do to help you find relief when you are exhausted, stressed out, and overwhelmed.

Please remember to check in with your own body, and only do what feels right for you. If a pose isn’t comfortable for you, come out of it and move on to the next one.

As you do each pose, breathe and relax into the pose, allowing yourself to be supported by the ground below you. Let go of the need to force yourself or exert effort. Just allow yourself to be.

  1. Supported Child’s Pose
    Breathe deeply while in Child’s pose and it can help reduce anxiety and fatigue and calm your mind. This pose stretches you spine, thighs, hips and releases tension in your shoulders, chest, low back and the backs of your thighs. It even aids in digestion.
    • Sit tall on your heels with knees open as wide as your yoga mat.
    • Have one or two pillows stacked in the vertical position in front of you, just inside your knees.
    • Use your hands to walk yourself down and rest your chest and one cheek on the pillows.
    • If you need a little more support under your seat, place a folded blanket or another pillow between your heels and your seat.
    • Hold this pose for 2-3 minutes, and then gently lift your head to rest on the opposite cheek for 2-3 more minutes.
    • When you are ready, slowly use your hands to walk yourself up to a seated position, allowing your head to come up last.
    • Take a deep breath and slowly release it through your mouth.
Woman resting in child's pose
  1. Supported Twist
    Supported twist helps to calm your nervous system and balance out the energy in your body. This pose helps to improve flexibility in your spine and it improves digestion and circulation.
    • Stack two pillows on top of each other, vertically.
    • Sit with your left hip up against the bottom edge of the pillows.
    • “Windmill” your legs so that the right knee is just behind or on top of the left foot.
    • Twist to the left so that you are facing the pillows, one hand on each side of the pillows.
    • Use your hands to walk yourself down and rest your torso and left cheek on the pillows.
    • Hold this pose for 2-3 minutes, and then gently use your hands to walk yourself back up with your head coming up last.
    • Turn to sit on your right hip and repeat the pose on the right side
    • Hold on the right side for 2-3 minutes, and then, when you are ready, slowly use your hands to walk yourself up to a seated position, allowing your head to come up last.
    • Take a deep breath and slowly release it through your mouth.
  1. Supported Legs Up The Wall Pose
    Legs up the wall pose helps to calm & relax your mind, while increasing energy. Many students find that they experience a sense of joy in this pose. It can also help relieve headaches. This pose helps to relieve tension and muscle discomfort in your low back, legs, and feet.
    *Please note, do not do this pose if you have high blood pressure, as it increases the blood flow to your head.
    • Place a pillow horizontally next to a wall.
    • Sit on the right edge of the pillow, facing to the right with your left hip close to the wall.
    • Spin your body so you can cartwheel your legs onto the wall while you use your hands to walk your back onto the floor.
    • Your legs are now vertically resting on the wall, with your hips slightly elevated by the pillow, and your back resting on the floor.
    • Add a pillow under your head if it makes your more comfortable.
    • Rest here for 2-3 minutes.
    • Slowly walk your feet down the wall and bring your knees into your chest.
    • Roll over to your right side into fetal position.
    • Rest in fetal position for few breaths and then push yourself up to a seat.• Take a deep breath and slowly release it through your mouth.

Sit in easy pose with your legs crossed and your hands on your heart and take a few slow deep breaths in and out.

Notice how you feel.

Thank yourself for taking the time to help ease your exhaustion, stress, and overwhelm today.

Woman in easy pose

May you have peace within,

Julia anjali mudra hands

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