I need to acknowledge that a lot is happening in the world right now. The invasion of Ukraine, Famine (and more) in Afghanistan, the changing status of the world Pandemic, all that plus whatever you are dealing with directly in your daily life.
Any one of these things is enough to be overwhelming.
If you are feeling overwhelmed, you are not alone.
I personally find a lot of solace in my daily meditation and yoga practice. I find it gives me the perspective to move forward and take actions calmly and mindfully, yet full of compassion.
A meditation that I practice repeatedly, especially when I find the events of the world are overwhelming, is the loving kindness meditation. It helps bring compassion and love to yourself, those around you, and those you don’t even know. I’ve been visualizing the people living in Ukraine when I practice my loving kindness meditation lately. I’ve posted a video of this meditation below so you can practice it on your own when you need some compassion.
Additionally, here are some links to resources that may be helpful to you as you live in these turbulent times.
Seven Tips for Releasing Grief
Seven Tips to Tune Into Your Inner Strength
Seven Tips to Help You Relieve Stress Today
Five Tips to Help You Be Resilient
May you have peace within,