by Julia Carpenter | Jan 12, 2023 | Change & Transition, Happiness, Health, Hope, Inner Strength, Letting Go
It is a new year and I like to begin the new year with a practice of self-study, or Svadhyaya in Sanskrit. “The person practicing svadhyaya reads his own book of life, at the same time that he writes and revises it.”- BKS Iyengar in Light on Yoga Doing...
by Julia Carpenter | Nov 3, 2022 | Fighting Depression, Gratitude, Happiness, Hope, Self-care
It is getting chillier… even where I live in Southern California. When the cool air settles in, I gravitate towards doing things inside where it is warm. I like to get cozy with a nice cup of tea, snuggle up, and think about what I am grateful...
by Julia Carpenter | Oct 13, 2022 | Fighting Depression, Happiness, Health, Hope, Inner Strength, Resilience, Self-care, Uncategorized
Have you ever had a great day and felt heroic? Have you ever had a bad day and felt totally defeated? I have. I thought about how I hold my body when I am feel strong and powerful versus when I am feeling week and tired. I...
by Julia Carpenter | Sep 30, 2022 | Change & Transition, Hope, Inner Strength, Truth
Today, I am contemplating getting from here to there. “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”- Lao Tzu Last weekend, I started graduate school. It’s a program where I go to campus once a month for classes. While I was there, I walked through a...
by Julia Carpenter | Sep 8, 2022 | Anxiety Relief, Change & Transition, Gratitude, Hope, Inner Strength, Letting Go, Resilience
I just had my birthday, and came upon this quote… 3 things to be grateful for: the person you are becominghow far you have comewhat you already have -Dhiman Reading this quote allowed me to step back and think about where my path has taken me so far, where I am at,...
by Julia Carpenter | Jun 9, 2022 | Anxiety Relief, Hope, Inner Strength, Resilience, Self-care
Do you sometimes feel unsafe… even when you think you should feel fine? That everything should feel okay? Or perhaps when you hear about events in the world, you feel unsafe, unsettled, overwhelmed? A feeling of safety is essential to our well being. When we feel...