by Julia Carpenter | Nov 10, 2022 | Anxiety Relief, Confidence, Fighting Depression, Health, Self-care
Yes, the saying goes “move it or lose it.” Right? Okay, it’s “use it or lose it,” but you get the idea… How do you feel when you sit all day? How about when you get up and move your body? The Center for Disease Control and...
by Julia Carpenter | Aug 25, 2022 | Confidence, Happiness, Inner Strength, Resilience, Stress Relief
I’m feeling very grateful today. Grateful for my health. Sometimes I take for granted the simple act of breathing. But, last week my family finally got Covid after avoiding it for the two and a half years that this pandemic has been happening. I was feeling powerless...
by Julia Carpenter | Jul 28, 2022 | Change & Transition, Confidence, Happiness, Resilience
Are you inspired in your day to day life? I went through a period of time when I felt weighed down by what made up my daily existence. It was a weight that felt hard to get out from under. During that time, I clung hard to my meditation...
by Julia Carpenter | Jun 17, 2021 | Confidence, Truth
I’ve been thinking a lot about doing hard things. Sometimes, just getting through the day is doing a hard thing. Sometimes, going outside our comfort zone is doing a hard thing. Sometimes, being our authentic self is hard....
by Julia Carpenter | Oct 7, 2020 | Confidence
Speak your truth. Speak your truth. Speak your truth. I keep hearing this. From a healer. Listening to a podcast. In meditation class. And from myself – that little voice inside. Speak your truth. So, here goes… A little preface. When I was little I was...