by Julia Carpenter | Jan 12, 2023 | Change & Transition, Happiness, Health, Hope, Inner Strength, Letting Go
It is a new year and I like to begin the new year with a practice of self-study, or Svadhyaya in Sanskrit. “The person practicing svadhyaya reads his own book of life, at the same time that he writes and revises it.”- BKS Iyengar in Light on Yoga Doing...
by Julia Carpenter | Sep 30, 2022 | Change & Transition, Hope, Inner Strength, Truth
Today, I am contemplating getting from here to there. “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”- Lao Tzu Last weekend, I started graduate school. It’s a program where I go to campus once a month for classes. While I was there, I walked through a...
by Julia Carpenter | Sep 15, 2022 | Change & Transition, Inner Strength, Resilience, Stress Relief
Do you ever feel like you need help making a decision? Or you are not sure what step to take next as you travel along your journey of life? Does the way ahead seem obscure or daunting and hard to begin? I can relate to that feeling. I needed...
by Julia Carpenter | Sep 8, 2022 | Anxiety Relief, Change & Transition, Gratitude, Hope, Inner Strength, Letting Go, Resilience
I just had my birthday, and came upon this quote… 3 things to be grateful for: the person you are becominghow far you have comewhat you already have -Dhiman Reading this quote allowed me to step back and think about where my path has taken me so far, where I am at,...
by Julia Carpenter | Sep 1, 2022 | Anxiety Relief, Change & Transition, Compassion, Health, Letting Go, Self-care
I’ve been having to reset all of my expectations for myself since having Covid. I am guessing you might be able to relate, since we are now two and a half years into the Covid pandemic, and so many of us have gotten sick. I normally meditate in Sukhasana, or easy...
by Julia Carpenter | Jul 28, 2022 | Change & Transition, Confidence, Happiness, Resilience
Are you inspired in your day to day life? I went through a period of time when I felt weighed down by what made up my daily existence. It was a weight that felt hard to get out from under. During that time, I clung hard to my meditation...